Poppy's story
Neck Pain
Matt was awesome, he is my hero! I feel much better now.
I started coming for chiropractic at the age of 7 after suffering with having a tilted neck. Matt went straight to work with his magic adjustment hands. Matthew works the wonder when it’s time for my appointment.
He helped me understand what he was doing and I was a little worried before my appointment the first time last year when my mum recommended it as she had suffered a lot of pain in her head coming from her lower back. She had come for treatment for a month and a half.
Matthew helps me loads. After I started suffering from severe hip pains and saw my GP and two times as well. She booked me a hospital appointment to have an x-ray. Matt helped me too. Once again his magic hands set to work. I had 5 more hospital appointments including paediatric, MRI scan, orthopaedic, physiotherapy and rheumatology. Matthew and the hospital both gave me two different exercises, hospital for my hip and Matt for my neck.
I was so impressed. Matt was awesome, he is my hero! I feel much better now.