Christianna's story


My knee pain is no longer there, along with improved sleep, significantly decreased tension in my back & my general feeling of wellbeing has improved greatly and an even bigger result.

I went to this practice after booking in with a Massage therapist for a reoccurring knee problem. After going for my appointment, I realised how unique the practice is.

The fantastic massage therapist said it would be worth booking in with chiropractor which may help get to the route of my problem.Its taken years to find such genuine and passionate professionals who you know really want to help.I couldn't recommend booking in here more. I never appreciated how much stress we put our spines under everyday and how much impact on different areas of the body a problem can have. With help from both professionals so much has improved for me in a short space of time.My knee pain is no longer there ,along with improved sleep, significantly decreased tension in my back & my general feeling of wellbeing has improved greatly and an even bigger result...for a year on and off I have been suffering with nausea and very random patterns of sickness which doctors were puzzled by.Since starting my sessions I haven't felt or been sick once!

It just shows you can go about one problem and realise that your body may be giving signals to you through more ways than one! Worth a visit -such a skilled and excellent professionals.

We'd love to help you get back to being you again.

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